Take a Leap to the Digital World with Us

The New age digital technologies are changing our way of lives and manner of living at an unparalleled speed. In today’s world, the competition has become so stiff that if the companies don’t get rid of the traditional methods and embrace the latest technology, in no time, they will become obsolete. Even the established companies will become defunct, if they don’t redesign and re-form their business models and value chains from time to time. Challenging the status-quo is the new normal.

  • When transformation is unavoidable, we will suggest you how to transform
  • We will help in the integration of technology that extends to all the facets of the business so as to deliver value to your customer
  • Roll out the digital journeys of Start-ups and deploy technology throughout
  • Link technology to understand and monitor the performance of product, process and the workforce

Objectives to the  Global Way

 Value Propositions Delivered

  • Better Productivity & Efficiency

  • Seamless Data flow

  • Process Compliance

  • Buying Compliance

  • Supplier Compliance

  • Risk (supplier, contract, other)

  • Spend Control

  • Increased Savings

  • Quick Deployment

  • Supplier Scoring

  • Ease of Use- Simplicity

  • Cross Functional Reporting

  • Procurement Visibility

  • Management Visibility

  • Analytics Information

Multiplier Effect Delivery Model


Value Creation through Digital Transformation Maturity

Our Solution

Our customer portfolio includes Fortune 500 brands, Governments, PSU’s


Delighted customers

$ 7B+

Sourcing values


Average sustainable savings passed onto our clients


Events executed


Industry Verticals deployments



Case Study

About Customer

An Indian branded fabric and fashion retailer, incorporated in 1925 with a network of over 700 retail shops spread across India and having the global fabric supply.


  • Longer turnaround time for each activity.
  • People centric and non-standardized  Procurement
  • Lack of Procurement visibility


Below are the tool outcomes in 16months

Technology Solution

Product: UPEG (Procure to Pay)


  • Unified system for 11 group companies
  • Single System integrated to 3 SAP servers
  • Centralized indirect buying and Invoice management teams
  • Decentralized ordering with over 1000 active catalogues
  • Standard codification for all masters
  • Customized workflows for each activity and business.

Realistic Savings from transformation : Exemplars

Few Customers